Cement of FiCO Tay Ninh cement Joint Stock Company (TAFiCO) is one of the three most popular cement brands in the South. It is produced by modern technology of Federal Republic of Germany and presents throughout South West, West, Central highland areas and export markets such as Cambodia, East Timor, Myanmar.
FiCO provides cement types of PCB30, PCB40, PCB50, mortar cement, sulphate cement, low heat cement, white cement etc. through its system of cement plants such as:
- Tay Ninh FiCO Cement Plant with the capacity of 1,500, 000 tons/year
- FiCO Hiep Phuoc Cement Plant with the capacity of 1,000,000 tons/year
- DIC Binh Duong Cement Plant with the capacity of 300,000 tons/year
- FiCO BMT White Cement Plan with the capacity of 100,000 tons/year
FiCO has been developed and is developing a network of commercial concrete batching plants in the South and going to expand its national network, providing access to nationwide facilities. Total capacity of concrete supply is 700 m3/hour with sales volume of 1.500.000 m3/year. FiCO Pan-U concrete is one of leading products in its "green” concrete lines, in which customers can save resources and green materials to produce a new type of concrete with the efficiency equivalent to RMC.
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